Dulevo 1000 Spark

Основные характеристики
Модель1000 SPARK EH1000 SPARK BH
Минимальная ширина уборки (мм)700700
Максимальная ширина уборки (мм)12001200
Емкость контейнера (л)7070
Производительность (м3/ч)78007800
Источник питанияЭлектричество 24VБензин

Компактная и маневренная подметальная машина

Dulevo 1000 Spark уборочная машина, где человек сидит в кресле профессиональная и надежная машина.

It demonstrates its remarkable productivity and versatility both indoors and outdoors, achieving excellent results on an extremely wide range of surfaces, including rugs.

Slender without being too light, the Dulevo 100 Spark sweeper is compact, practical and functional, easy to handle and use, even in congested areas.

The 1000 Spark sweeper is available in the BH version with a petrol engine, suitable for outdoor areas, and the EH version with battery-powered engine, for indoor and outdoor areas. Both versions can also be enriched with an extensive range of accessories.

Высокая производительность в чрезвычайно узких пространствах при сохранении комфорта оператора

The Dulevo 1000 Spark man on board sweeper guarantees high performance thanks to a direct load sweeping system.

Its size does not compromise comfort: the operator benefits from a comfortable position with a full view of the work area.

The Dulevo 100 Spark man on board sweeper can also turn on itself even in very narrow spaces. It is a valuable solution for all requirements, thanks to its flap system which enables the collection of even bulky waste: an extremely useful device which notably increases machine performance.

This simple and reliable man on board sweeper is easy to maintain and of long duration, making it an excellent long-term investment.

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